Let the leading Kenyan localizations company help you gain vast App Downloads, Website Visitors, Gamers and Software Users from global target markets.
Which Localization Service best suits your needs?
Mobile App Localization
Android, iOS, Microsoft, Symbian, etc.
Website Localization
Static & Dynamic Sites (HTML, PHP, ASPX, CMS, etc)
Video Game Localization
PC, Mobile, Xbox, Nintendo, MMO, etc.
Software Localization
Linux, Windows, macOS, Unix, Oracle Solaris, etc.
We have a long term hands-on experience professionally localizing Apps, Websites, Video Games and Software for major international markets like USA, China, UK, Germany, Europe, Japan, India, Russia, Spain, Brazil, Australia, Canada and all African Ethnicities.
Briefly, what exactly is a Localization Service?
When you’re considering to localize a digital product for a certain locale, you presumably want to adapt that product’s user experience (UX) to the language, tone, culture and region specific preferences of the target locale.
The objective is to make customers from the target locale fluently relate with the product by feeling that the product has been developed for their specific concerns.
Localization ends up making your target customers like your product therefore largely purchasing or downloading it for premium personal or commercial use.
That’s how your user base grows and all the benefits of having a large customer base starts popping in.
How our localization services boosts your digital product:
1. Increased market share and international sales.
Once your app, site, software or game is localized and available in several languages, it becomes much easier to enter a new market. More localized versions mean more products that you can sell to users across the world. This in turn can increase your profit and strengthen your company’s position in the local and global market.
2. Gaining competitive advantage.
You’ll be able to enter markets that are still unattainable to your competitors because of the language barrier. If your competitors already sell localized software and you don’t follow this trend, you might be losing potential customers who are more likely to purchase products in their native language.
3. Reaching out to new users and customers.
By adding more locales to your product you’ll be able to expand your group of potential buyers and convince them to use your software in their native language.
4. Ensuring better understanding of product functionalities.
Only if all buttons, menu lists, commands, messages and notifications are clear, your customers will be able recognize all advantages of using your application. In this way no language barriers will stand in their way to exploit the full potential of your product.
5. Reducing support costs.
After your users understand your product, this creates better customer experience. In this way you can reduce the number of potential queries about your product and ease the workload of your service desk. As a result, the support costs can be lowered and your company can invest in other activities.
6. SEO Benefits.
SEO keywords are most competitive in English. In languages other than English, there is significantly less competition. This is natural as we’ve seen there is less content created in other languages than English. Therefore, if your site is multilingual, you open the door to rank for some of these less competitive keywords in other languages, helping to drive more traffic to your site.
If you are ranking well for keywords in other languages, you are also likely to see an increase in Domain Authority (DA), which in turn could help you better rank for a keyword in your domestic language, thus supporting your SEO efforts even more.
The file formats we support in our localization services:
We support a wide range of text file formats including: .xliff, .xml, .html, .txt, .csv, .odt, .ott, .ots, .odg, .otg, .odp, .otp, .docx, .dotx, .xslx, .xlts, .pptx, .potx, .doc, .ppt, .xls, .pdf, .dot, .mlf, .idml, etc.
On the other hand, we support a variety of regular, directory and special programming files including: HTML, Javascript, PHP, Aspx, .net, .java, .po, .pot, .properties, .ts, .dklang, .dtd, .json, .yml, .resw, .resjson, .rc, .ini, .exe, etc.
When it comes to graphics and images, we support vector and raster formats including; .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .bmp, .eps, .tiff, .psd, .ai, and all other multimedia files.